Why and How to use CBD Extract

CBD extract is a CBD-derived product that people use for their overall wellbeing. In recent years, CBD extract has exploded in popularity. CBD extract is used today as a health supplement, similar to herbs and vitamins.
By Charlotte’s Web

There are many reasons that CBD extract has become so popular. People take it to get relief from everyday stresses*, create a sense of calm or focus*, help support healthy sleep cycles*, and to reduce inflammation that is caused by exercise*.  

How to Take CBD Extract 

Every person will have a different experience with CBD extracts. How you use it can have a big impact on how it affects you. The following tips can help you to get the most out of your CBD extract. 

Consistency in Usage is Key 

As with any wellness routine, taking CBD extract will have the best results when you use your it consistently and regularly. A good first step is to figure out what time of day you like taking your CBD extract. Perhaps you like to take it every morning when you get up, or every evening after work. Whatever it is that works for you, continue to do that on a regular basis. 

Think about it this way: You wouldn’t expect to feel the full benefits of yoga by practicing just once a week. The same goes for eating healthy, but only once in a while. Similarly, CBD extract should be taken consistently for maximum benefits!  

The Amount of CBD Extract is Important 

A very common question regarding CBD is, “how much CBD should I take?”. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to CBD. 

A great rule of thumb is to start low and go slow. Start out with a low amount and increase it every few days until you are feeling the benefits that you were hoping for. It is generally recommended to take CBD twice a day, but if that doesn’t work for you, just find a daily CBD routine that fits your schedule.

Track Your Journey 

Recording your experience in a journal to track your usage can be helpful as well. You can keep track of how you felt before you started taking CBD extract, and how you have progressed. This way, you can really dial in the amount you’re taking to maximize the benefits. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

Before you go

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